The Fallacy of Argumentum ad Feminarum Negrum: To the Black Woman

Joshua Lawrence Lazard

black-rosie-cropped-620x400 I will admit that I am currently wrestling with how I personally feel about certain topics when it comes to gender discussions.  Not only is it a personal battle, but it’s one of academic and intellectual travail as well; just exactly where do I fit on the spectrum.  Within the last decade or so, between the burgeoning of the black blogosphere and the African American presence on social media, it has provided an easily devourable platform of one’s ideas, be they tragic or triumphant.  While this undoubtedly is good for those who didn’t have an academic access point yet had something to say, it has also allowed for the bitter sniping and an explosion of the trivial politicking that is quietly never spoken of in the halls of academia.

When I first started blogging, I remember I took a controversial stand on the Chris Brown and Rihanna situation when I…

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